Fluoridation battle engulfs Wichita, Kansas, Part 3

by Stephen C. L’Hommedieu, DC

October 1, 2012

Is Fluoride a Nutrient?

Among the flood of misinformation perpetuated by fluoridation proponents is the concept of fluoride as an important nutrient. Despite the fact that fluoride has never been proven to serve any role in human nutrition whatsoever, for some perplexing reason, proponents believe ingesting a hazardous industrial waste is the answer to reducing tooth decay in children…

Fluoridation Battle Engulfs Wichita, Kansas Part 2

Is Naturally Occurring Fluoride and Water Fluoridation the Same? Advocates for water fluoridation claim: “Fluoride occurs naturally in water, though rarely at optimal levels to protect teeth. That’s our goal: getting just enough to help all of us keep our teeth longer… Fluoride is a safe and natural way to prevent tooth decay.” —fluoridefreekansas.COM spoof site. Think About This: Fluoride does occur naturally in the water in simple ionic form as calcium fluoride. Due to its low solubility, calcium fluoride is normally present at very low concentrations. It’s considered relatively harmless in the low concentrations present in Wichita’s water at 0.3 parts per million (ppm). Even naturally occurring calcium fluoride, however, is capable of exhibiting toxic effects of fluorosis in human populations with … Read More

Fluoridation Battle Engulfs Wichita, Kansas Part 1

There’s a major storm brewing throughout the Wichita, Kansas area. Although this storm won’t produce the obvious immediate destruction of an F5 tornado, many experts argue it has the long-term potential to be just as destructive to our health and environment—it’s water fluoridation. Once again, Wichita’s municipal water system is the targeted kingpin to topple as it continues to stand among the largest cities in the U.S. remaining fluoridation-free. This time formidable allies of water fluoridation mounted pressure to ram their fluoridation measure through the Wichita City Council meeting on August 22. Despite the $250,000 pledge by the United Methodist Health Ministry Fund and a commitment for $800,000 more from other donors to assist with start-up costs, the measure still … Read More