Are Current Good Manufacturing Practices and FDA Inspections a Guarantee of Therapeutic Quality?

by Stephen C. L’Hommedieu, DC
March 15, 2024

Nutritional and herbal supplements to the functional medicine practitioner are analogous to the surgical instruments of the surgeon. Without these indispensable tools, little can be done to correct or alter an inevitable path toward system pathologies. Therefore, providing quality supplements is of the utmost importance for the patient in order to achieve safe and effective treatment results…

Joan Veon: in memory of a mighty servant of the Lord

It is with profound sorrow, yet with an everlasting joy in Christ Jesus, that we mourn the recent passing of Joan Marie Veon — a mighty servant of the Lord. Joan passed peacefully with her husband Rod at her side on Monday, October 18th, putting to rest her three year battle with cancer that she boldly fought on her own terms. She was 61 Joan was an individual of uncompromising integrity with an unwavering faith in God and to His leading in her life. To those who knew her, she will be remembered as a most gracious lady and an incredibly devout patriot and servant of the Lord Jesus Christ. For sixteen years, Joan relentlessly carried the message of truth … Read More

Chicago Tribune’s Trine Tsouderos Undermines OSR Antioxidant

Unprincipled science and medical reporting are not difficult to come by these days. We are exposed to an epidemic of disgraceful and negligent reporting, yet much of the general public is still oblivious. While unprincipled reporting is nothing new, what is new is the increasing frequency and degree of misleading information and outright disinformation, which is skillfully presented to manipulate public thinking into accepting the empty ‘scientific’ rhetoric of powerful science and medical institutions. On the front lines of this battle for your mind, unrestrained organized efforts of major media are employed to discourage the public from investigating principled scientific research and alternative approaches in health care. Their intimidation and obstructive tactics include ridicule, discrediting, lying, deception, and selective media … Read More

FDA Pulls DMSA and Hope from Children with Autism and ADHD

Random acts of violence are usually considered methods of the weak, but a long history of FDA political violence directed against public health safety and our freedom to obtain dietary supplements reveals something more calculated and oppressive.  The results of FDA actions are obvious: Our right to choose safe health care alternatives and abstain from questionable medical practices is increasingly met with fierce opposition.  The consequences are equally obvious as we helplessly witness a relative epidemic of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) ravaging our children. Destitute of any original purpose, the FDA is deeply immersed in its filth of corruption catering to the special interests of the Pharmaceutical Cartel and the AMA.  It is specifically … Read More